I am having issues checking out your site. I cannot find any information pertaining to your book. I hope you can offer me some help. Sorry to bother you.
I have checked the links and they all look valid, however, there does seem to be some issue with using Safari or Chrome with Blogger. Is the issue simply with getting to the YouTube site?
Here are some external links that might be useful:
Here is the main blog page (try clicking on the menu box on the top to see external links): https://writingsciencefictionnovels.blogspot.com
Here is a link to Goodreads with some reviews: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43883191-echoes-of-reality
Here is a link to Wattpad if you'd like to read some advance chapters I had published: https://www.wattpad.com/user/KFitzpatrickNovels
I'm getting very close to finishing up the final touches on my manuscript, Echoes of Reality: The Hidden War . All I can say is that I'm excited about the novel and hope readers will be as well. The publication date is set for February 11th, 2019 and will include both a Kindle and paperback version. Here is a link to the pre-order version of the novel on Amazon: Echoes of Reality: The Hidden War Just to give a preview, here is a link to a few sample pages from the first chapter. Enjoy! Chapter One: Rome (80 BC)
I decided to post a couple recent reviews of my book that you may be interested in reading, especially if you are looking to purchase. So far, people have enjoyed the novel. If you get a copy, I hope you enjoy it as well! Artisan Books Goodreads
I am having issues checking out your site. I cannot find any information pertaining to your book. I hope you can offer me some help. Sorry to bother you.
Adriana Lucas
lsarkard AT gmail.com
DeleteI have checked the links and they all look valid, however, there does seem to be some issue with using Safari or Chrome with Blogger. Is the issue simply with getting to the YouTube site?
Here are some external links that might be useful:
Here is the main blog page (try clicking on the menu box on the top to see external links): https://writingsciencefictionnovels.blogspot.com
Here is a link to Goodreads with some reviews: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43883191-echoes-of-reality
Here is a link to Wattpad if you'd like to read some advance chapters I had published: https://www.wattpad.com/user/KFitzpatrickNovels
Hope this helps! Let me know if it doesn't.